BAYBURT University Information Package / Course Catalogue

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Third Cycle Programmes
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Third Cycle Programmes (Doctorate Degree)

GRADUATE EDUCATION INSTITUTE - Turkish and Social Studies Education - Doctor of Philosophy in Turkish Education

General Description
The program was established in 2022. Student admissions have been made for the 2023-2024 Spring semester
Qualification Awarded
Students who successfully complete this program earn a Doctorate Degree.
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
Third Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Başvurular, ilanda belirtilen belgelerle başvuru süresi içinde ilgili enstitü müdürlüğüne yapılır. Başvuru için istenen belgelerin aslı veya onaylı örneği enstitü tarafından kabul edilir.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Recognition of previous formal learning in Turkish Higher Education institutions, vertical, horizontal and university transfers are carried out within the scope of the relevant regulations determined by the Council of Higher Education. If the conditions specified in the regulation are met, a limited number of course credits can be transferred between departments or it is possible for a student to continue his or her education in a different department. Since the recognition of non-formal type of education in higher education in Turkey is still at a very early stage, it is not yet possible for learning experiences other than this formal education to be recognized by YOK.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Profile of The Programme
Our Turkish Education doctoral program consists of academics who are experts in their fields and the necessary studies are carried out together with the courses. This program aims to ensure that students are proficient in scientific research methods and ethical principles, and have the competence to conduct research at the high level of cognitive level in the field of teaching Turkish as a foreign language, and to conduct research in this context. After graduating from the program, the primary goal is for students to be able to competently serve Turkish education as a foreign language in different positions at home and abroad as experts in teaching Turkish as a foreign language.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Graduates of the Turkish Education Doctorate Program graduate with the title of "Doctor of Science". Those who complete the program can take part in research, program, supervision and management positions in teaching and research staff of universities, private schools, public schools, special education centers and various units of the Ministry of National Education, with the title of doctor of science.
Access to Further Studies
Students who graduate from this program can apply to study in postdoctoral programs
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Exams; It consists of midterm exam, final exam, excuse exam, exemption exam and make-up exam. Exams; It can be done in written, oral or both written, oral and/or practical ways. For specific courses/applications, exams can be administered orally and practically by at least three faculty members. The types of exams are announced within the first two weeks of the relevant semester. At least one midterm exam is held for each course. The duration of midterm exams is one lesson hour, and the duration of the final exam and make-up exams is two lesson hours. Graduate students who cannot take the midterm exams due to excuses deemed appropriate by the relevant institute board of directors are given the right to take a make-up exam by the institute board of directors.
Graduation Requirements
Students' course success In formal graduate programs, the success grade is calculated by taking the sum of 30% of the midterm exam grade average and 70% of the final exam or make-up exam. In postgraduate programs conducted through distance education, the success grade is calculated by taking the sum of 20% of the midterm exam grade average and 80% of the final exam or make-up exam. The success grade in this program is at least 75 points out of 100 points. In addition to the course period, students can graduate if they successfully complete the specialization course, seminar, doctoral qualification, thesis proposal defense and thesis study.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent
Dep. Chief Prof. Dr. Sedat MADEN AKTS Bölüm Koordinatörü Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Bahadır Gülden
Computer Laboratory (160 desktop computers): There is a computer laboratory within our faculty for use in undergraduate and graduate courses, and 48 computers are ready for use by graduate students with the SPSS program installed. Regarding the proposed program, many periodicals regarding the proposed Master's Program in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language can be found in the Bayburt University Library and the existing libraries of relevant faculties. Library working hours are 08.00-22.00 on weekdays during academic periods, 08.00-17.00 outside academic periods, and 10.00-15.00 on weekends and Saturdays. List of periodicals related to the proposed program in our university's library and a list of various online databases (Springer Nature – SpringerLink Springer Nature, Adis Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan Journals, EBSCOHOST, Hiperkitap, IEEE / IEE Electronic Library, ITHENTICATE, ScienceDirect Freedom Collection, Scopus, T&F (Taylor & Francis), Web of Science, Tümer Altaş. Exam Preparation and Language Education Database, Mendeley, Idealonline, Library, JSTOR Archive Journal Content, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, Emerald Insight(e-Journal), OVID-LWW, Wiley Online Library, Turnitin, Asos Index Citation Index, Bookcites Citation Index, Idealonline, Sayısal Kitap: Türkçe Digital Library, E-Ottoman Turkish and Wordx, World eBook Library, Sobiad Citation Index, İ, World eBook Library).

Key Learning Outcomes
1To gain competence in the acquisition of the importance of four basic language skills in as mother tongue and foreign languageTurkish education.
2To be able to scan the national and international literature on Turkish teaching from various sources according to research topics and to be familiar with the reference works.
3To demonstrate academic development within the framework of teaching Turkish for children's literature.
4To be aware of the importance and functions of culture in teaching Turkish.
5To be able to carry out research processes in a healthy way by mastering scientific research methods and ethical principles in teaching Turkish.
6To have knowledge about Turkish teaching programs and philosophies.
7To be able to improve in foreign/second language teaching by mastering the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Curriculum for Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language.
8To gain proficiency at the degree of expertise in certain areas of Turkish teaching at the doctoral level
9To be able to conduct research at the doctoral level on a unique problem in the field of Turkish education.

Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey
TYYÇKey Learning Outcomes
COMPETENCES (Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility)1
COMPETENCES (Learning Competence)1
COMPETENCES (Communication and Social Competence)1
COMPETENCES (Field Specific Competence)1

Course Structure Diagram with Credits
T : Theoretical P: Practice L : Laboratory
1. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
2 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
3 TEDZOR1 Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses 1 Elective - - - 6
4 TÜEDZOR-1 Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses-1 Elective - - - 6
5 TEDSEÇ1 Turkish Education Doctorate Elective Courses 1 Elective - - - 18
6 TÜEDSEÇ-1 Turkish Education Doctorate Elective Courses-1 Elective - - - 18
Total 24 0 0 60
2. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TÜEDSEÇ-2 Turkish Education Doctorate Elective Courses-2 Elective - - - 18
2 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
3 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
4 TEDSEÇ2 Turkish Education Docotra Elective Courses 2 Elective - - - 18
5 TEDZOR2 Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses 2 Elective - - - 6
6 TÜEDZOR-2 Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses-2 Elective - - - 6
Total 24 0 0 60
3. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TEDDY PhD Qualification Compulsory 0 0 0 18
2 TÜEDTH Preparation for PhD Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 18
3 TEDSEM Seminar Compulsory 0 1 0 6
4 TÜEDSEM Seminar Compulsory 0 1 0 6
5 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
6 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
Total 12 3 0 60
4. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TÜEDDY Ph.D. Qualification Compulsory 0 0 0 18
2 TEDDY PhD Qualification Compulsory 0 0 0 18
3 TÜEDTÖ PhD Thesis Proposal Compulsory 0 1 0 6
4 TEDSEM Seminar Compulsory 0 1 0 6
5 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
6 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
Total 12 2 0 60
5. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TEDTEZ PhD Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
2 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
3 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
4 TÜEDTEZ Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
Total 12 2 0 60
6. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TEDTEZ PhD Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
2 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
3 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
4 TÜEDTEZ Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
Total 12 2 0 60
7. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TEDTEZ PhD Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
2 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
3 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
4 TÜEDTEZ Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
Total 12 2 0 60
8. Semester
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TEDTEZ PhD Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
2 TEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
3 TÜEDUZM Specialization Course Compulsory 6 0 0 6
4 TÜEDTEZ Thesis Compulsory 0 1 0 24
Total 12 2 0 60
Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses 1
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TED501Z Scientific Research Methods I Elective 3 0 0 0
2 TEDDNŞ consultancy Elective 0 1 0 6
3 TÜED515Z Eğitimde Araştırma Yöntemleri Elective 3 0 0 0
Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses-1
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TÜED501Z Scientific Research Techniques Elective 3 0 0 0
2 TÜEDNŞK Consultancy Elective 0 1 0 6
Turkish Education Doctorate Elective Courses 1
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TED503 Interdisciplinary Foundations of Turkish Education Elective 3 0 0 0
2 TED505 Approaches and Models in Turkish Teaching Elective 3 0 0 0
3 TED507 Persuasion and Propaganda in Turkish Education Elective 3 0 0 0
4 TED509 Understanding-Explaining Techniques Elective 3 0 0 0
5 TED511 Educational Scientific Approaches in Grammar Teaching Elective 3 0 0 6
6 TED513 Text Analysis Techniques Elective 3 0 0 0
Turkish Education Doctorate Elective Courses-1
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TÜED503 Interdisciplinary Foundations of Turkish Education Elective 3 0 0 0
2 TÜED505 Approaches and Models in Turkish Teaching Elective 3 0 0 0
3 TÜED507 Understanding-Explaining Techniques Elective 3 0 0 0
4 TÜED509 Educational Scientific Approaches in Grammar Teaching Elective 3 0 0 6
5 TÜED511 Text Analysis Techniques Elective 3 0 0 0
6 TÜED513 Persuasion and Propaganda in Turkish Education Elective 3 0 0 0
Turkish Education Doctorate Elective Courses-2
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TÜED502 New Technologies in Language Teaching Elective 3 0 0 0
2 TÜED504 Educational Game Supported Language Teaching Elective 3 0 0 0
3 TÜED506 Cultural Transfer in Children's Literature Elective 3 0 0 0
4 TÜED508 Writing Education Research Elective 3 0 0 0
5 TÜED510 Basic Issues in Vocabulary Teaching Elective 3 0 0 0
6 TÜED512 New Literacy in Turkish Education Elective 3 0 0 0
7 TÜED514 Grammar and Language Skills Elective 3 0 0 6
Turkish Education Docotra Elective Courses 2
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TED504 New Technologies in Language Teaching Elective 3 0 0 6
2 TED506 Educational Game Supported Language Teaching Elective 3 0 0 0
3 TED508 Cultural Transfer in Children's Literature Elective 3 0 0 6
4 TED510 Writing Education Research Elective 3 0 0 0
5 TED512 Basic Issues in Vocabulary Teaching Elective 3 0 0 0
6 TED514 New Literacy in Turkish Education Elective 3 0 0 0
7 TED516 Grammar and Language Skills Elective 3 0 0 6
Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses 2
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TED502Z Scientific Research Methods II Elective 3 0 0 0
Turkish Education Doctorate Compulsory Courses-2
No Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Type of Course T P L ECTS
1 TÜED500Z Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis Elective 3 0 0 6