Name and Address
Academic Calendar
Academic Authorities
General Description of Ege University
List of Degree Programmes Offered
General Admission Requirements
General Arrangements for Recognition
   of Prior Learning
General Registration Procedures
ECTS Credit Allocation
Arrangements for Academic Guidance
General Admission Requirements

Turkish Students

The registration, examinations and evaluation procedures in Ege University are carried out according to Higher Education Law and Regulations put by Higher Education Council (YÖK).

In order to gain admission to an associate (2-year, short cycle) or undergraduate program (4-year, first cycle) in a higher education institution in Turkey, students have to take a university entrance exam administered by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). The examination consists of two stages. First stage is the Higher Education Entrance Exam (YGS). Students need to get 140 over 500 to enter the second exam called Bachelor Placement Exam (LYS). The second stage exam, LYS, is applied as 5 separate sessions. Students attend related session according to their study field such as Mathematics, Science etc. Students who get 180 over 500 can make their choices of Bachelor program and the institution. The placement into most of the first cycle degree programs is made by ÖSYM based on the scores students obtained from the exam and their grade point averages (GPA) of secondary education (high school in Turkish Education System).

The placement of the students who want to study in an associate programme is based on the scores from YGS. An exception, however, is recognized, by law, for vocational high school graduates to apply for placement in two-year vocational school programs which are compatible with their high school majors, without an entrance examination. These students are placed centrally by ÖSYM according to the type of vocational high schools they graduated and their grade point averages (GPA).

Students willing to enroll in School of Physical Education and Sports, School of State Turkish Music Conservatory have to take aptitude test as defined by the University's Senate with the related Boards' opinions. For such programs, the YGS is also a prerequisite for placement. The final list of students is decided by adding up a pre-determined percentage of the YGS score and the local exam (aptitude test).

The General Directorates of Student Affairs and Health, Culture and Sports coordinate and carry out registration procedures. Students who meet the above mentioned conditions should finalize the registration procedure personally, on the Academic Calendar of the related year.

To study in the graduate programs, the students are required to take an exam called “ALES” (Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Exam), which is also administered by ÖSYM, and submit this score with their application. GRE or GMAT can also be a substitute of ALES. The applicants have to meet additional program requirements defined by the academic units.

All freshman students, if they wish, may have to certify their proficiency in English or German (for specific departments) languages. An English and German exam is administered by the School of Foreign Languages prior to the commencement of the academic year. In the programs offered totally or partly in foreign languages students who are proficient in the examination or provide evidence that they have acceptable language qualifications can enroll in their undergraduate and graduate programs directly. Students who are not proficient in the foreign language (English or German) are required to attend a one-year Preparatory Program offered by the School of Foreign Languages. In the programs offered totally in Turkish, students can enroll in their programs directly.

English language exams recognized by Ege University applicable in admission to the undergraduate and graduate programs are TOEFL, IELTS and etc.

Foreign students for full degree

Recently, the universities have the right for selection of foreign students into themselves. The admission criteria have to be approved by Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK). The University arranges an examination called Ege University Examination for Foreign Students (EGEYÖS) every year. The examination is only for those applicants to enroll in undergraduate (first cycle) programmes. The first condition for those wishing to take EGEYÖS is having another nationality other than Turkey (stateless persons and refugees can also apply). Secondly, they must be in the last year of secondary education or have successfully completed secondary education. In addition to EGEYÖS organized each year, the students are accepted to the undergraduate programmes according to the score of one of the international exams they take such as SAT1, ABITUR etc.

The international candidates may apply to graduate studies at master or doctorate levels. Applications to graduate programs are processed by Graduate Schools. There are minimum requirements for application to different departments.

Exchange students:

Exchange students are accepted to Ege University in the framework of the current agreements between the Ege University and applicant students' university to study at Ege University as an exchange student. The exchange students can enroll in the courses offered at Ege University and study one- or two-semester.

Application procedure for exchange students is administered through the International Office. Detailed information such as related year’s deadline, update news and contact persons can be found here.

• Information on the Institution
• Information on Degree Programs
• Information for Students
Ege University, Bornova - İzmir / TURKEY • Phone: +90 232 311 10 10 • e-mail: