Name and Address
Academic Calendar
Academic Authorities
General Description of Ege University
List of Degree Programmes Offered
General Admission Requirements
General Arrangements for Recognition
   of Prior Learning
General Registration Procedures
ECTS Credit Allocation
Arrangements for Academic Guidance
General Registration Procedures

The registration procedures for both Turkish students who are placed by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) and foreign students selected by Ege University to study at Ege University are coordinated and carried out by the General Directorates of Student Affairs and Health, Culture and Sports. The students are required to provide the documents required for registration and invited to finalize their registration process on the dates specifically defined for their programs. The registration documents are re-announced in every registration term. Therefore, it is necessary to follow recent announcements.

All students should pay their tuition fee at the beginning of the current semester. After payment, they should register to the courses offered by the program by taking the suggestions of their academic advisors.

Students who want to study in a graduate program are required to apply directly to the Secretariat of the related graduate school along with all the application documents required for registration. 

International exchange students are accepted in the framework of a bilateral agreement between Ege University and the partner university. The exchange students are enrolled in courses and carry out the procedures in the light of the terms determined in the bilateral agreement. The APPLICATION & REGISTRATION PROCEDURE FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS are summarized:


• Student Application Form
• Learning Agreement
• Copy of legal ID card or passport
• Transcript of Records (Which shows your previous studies)
• Copy of the registration at the home institution or university card
• Health insurance valid in Turkey
• 4 Passport type photographs

1. Fill in Ege University Student Application Form The application form must be filled by using a computer. All parts of the form must be filled, contact addresses of the home university and the student's contact address must be correct in order for us to send the acceptance letters properly. Accommodation preferences must be filled carefully because a room can be reserved ONLY by filling in the accommodation preferences part of the Application Form. The application form must be signed and stamped by the International Office of the home university. Application forms without the proper signatures and stamps will not be accepted.

2. The Student Application Form is supplemented by a Learning Agreement, which details the selected course units. Complete your Learning Agreement by discussing with your ERASMUS/ECTS coordinators in your home university for understanding which course units would be relevant and recognized as a contribution to your own degree program. During the preparation of your Learning Agreement, your coordinator can contact the ERASMUS/ECTS coordinators of your proposed field of study in Ege University. List of degree programmes offered and detailed lists of the lessons of every faculty and school can be found on our webpage.

3. The Learning Agreement has to be signed by you, your department/faculty coordinator and/or your institutional coordinator. If the proposed Learning Agreement is acceptable, the receiving department/faculty coordinator and the Institutional coordinator of Ege University will sign the Agreement and a copy of it will be returned to your International Office. This procedure ensures that all those involved know exactly what you will study at Ege University. If the proposed Learning Agreement is not acceptable the student can send a new Learning Agreement or can change lessons by making a Learning Agreement changes document after arrival to Ege University. Without the confirmation of the Learning Agreement an acceptance letter can not be sent.

4. You can contact ERASMUS/ECTS coordinators in Ege University of your field of study for further information. He/she will be your contact in Ege University. You can also contact with our International Office before coming to Turkey for all your questions about the application procedures and etc.

5. These completed forms along with the other application documents must be posted by your International Office to the address below. Scan and fax documents and applications with absent or wrongly filled documents will not be accepted.

International Office

Ege University Rectorate
Gençlik Caddesi No:12
35040 Bornova-Izmir/TURKEY

Officers Responsible from the Incoming Students:

6. After receiving the Department's/Faculty's approval, a letter of Acceptance will be issued for you. Acceptance Letter will be sent to the home university International Office Address and the student's personal address. The International Office can fax/scan a copy of this letter upon request if there will be any delay in the post.

7. You must take the Letter of Acceptance (or a faxed copy) to the nearest Turkish Consulate and apply for the Student Visa. The student visa is required for registration at Ege University and getting a residence permit from the Police Department. This visa cannot be obtained within Turkey after your arrival. You should allow a suitable timeframe for the visa to be processed. Students who will participate in EILC courses must apply to Ege University earlier for them to finish their visa process on time.

8. "Confirmation Letter for Accommodation" will be sent along with the Letter of Acceptance if the student request accommodation by filling the Application Form properly. You may also live off-campus but in such cases you are responsible for finding your own housing.

9. Please inform our International Office as soon as possible on your date of arrival and departure. The Orientation Programme will be sent to the e-mails of the students before they arrive.

10. Upon your arrival, please contact our International Office as soon as possible for your administrative and registration procedures.

11. An Ege University Student Card will be given to the student upon arrival. Students must send photos stated in the Application documents to get a student card.

12. Contact your ERASMUS/ECTS coordinators in Ege University so that he/she knows you have arrived and can help you with your study program and with other practical matters. Our International Office will direct you to the related Erasmus Coordinator.

13. Within one month after you arrive in Turkey; you must apply for a residence permit. International Office will assist you with this procedure.

14. At the end of semester, an official copy of Transcript of Records will be posted to your International Office.

15. PLEASE NOTE, exchange students are not covered by medical insurance. Be certain you have emergency/hospital coverage by getting a health insurance policy valid in Turkey before coming. Ege University is not responsible from the students who arrive without a proper Health Insurance.


1st of July 2013 for students applying for the 1 st semester
1st of November 2013 for students applying for the 2 nd semester
Ege University, Bornova - İzmir / TURKEY • Phone: +90 232 311 10 10 • e-mail: