ECTS/DS Coordinators
Application and Registration Procedure
   For Erasmus Students
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Application and Registration Procedure for Erasmus Students



• Student Application Form
• Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Studies or Learning Agreement for Traineeship
• Copy of legal ID card or passport
• Transcript of Records in English (Which shows your previous studies)
• Copy of the registration at the home institution or university card
• Scanned Passport Size Photo 

1. Fill in Ege University Student Application Form (Completed in full via Computer and signed by the student and stamped by International Relations Office. Application forms without stamp and signature will be invalid!)
2. Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Studies or Learning Agreement for Traineeship Please get in contact with your Erasmus Departmental Coordinator in your home University and ERASMUS/ECTS coordinators in Ege University about which courses will be relevant and recognized as a contribution to your own degree programme. Please click to see List of Degree Programmes offered and detailed lists of the courses of every faculty and school in Ege University. The Learning Agreement should be signed by the student, your Departmental Coordinator and Academic/Institutional Coordinator. Without confirmation of the Learning Agreement, Acceptance Letter can not be issued.
All these completed forms along with the other application documents can be sent in 2 ways:  

  1. You can send by e-mail to
  2. You can send by Regular Post to International Relations Office address below:
    International Office

    Ege University Rectorate
    Gençlik Caddesi No:12
    35040 Bornova-Izmir/TURKEY



Mrs. Zeynep Dicle
Erasmus Expert
Responsible for German and Polish Universities

Mr.  Aydın Serdar Kuru
Erasmus Expert

Erasmus Expert
Responsible for Other European Universities
Tel: +90 232 311 4349
Tel: +90 232 311 4351
Tel: +90 232 311 4352

3. After receiving the Department's/Faculty's approval, a letter of Acceptance will be issued for you. Acceptance Letter will be sent by regular post and by e-mail as well to the home university International Office Address and the student's home address.

4. "Confirmation Letter for Accommodation" will be sent along with the Letter of Acceptance if the student request accommodation by filling the Application Form properly. You may also live off-campus but in such cases you are responsible for finding your own housing.

5. Please inform our International Office as soon as possible your date of arrival. The Orientation Programme will be sent to the e-mails of the students before they arrive.

6. Upon your arrival, please contact our International Office as soon as possible for your administrative and registration procedures, also the student assistants will help you with the practical matters.

7. Student Cards will be given to the student upon arrival. Students must send photos stated in the Application Procedure to get a student card. 

8. Contact your ERASMUS/ECTS coordinators in Ege University so that he/she knows you have arrived and can help you with your academic issues. Our International Office will direct you to the related Erasmus Coordinator. 


1st of August 2015 for the 1 st semester and Full Year Study
1st of December 2015 for the 2 nd semester

9. During your studies in Ege University, there can be some changes in your original Learning Agreement. In that case you should fill this form. Changes to Learning Agreement The form will be sent to International Relations Office via your Dept./Faculty officially. Then International Relations Office will send the document directly to your home university for their approval. In order to issue your Transcript of Records correctly and on time, Changes to Learning Agreement is very important!
10. At the end of semester, an official copy of Erasmus+ Transcript of Records will be posted to your International Office.
11. Your statement will be signed and stamped by the International Relations Office.
12. You will need to get a resident permit during your study period in Turkey. It is necessary to get a valid health insurance in Turkey to apply for residence permit. Your health insurance must be suitable for these criterias stated below:



Contracted Instutions

*Non-Contracted Instutions

Annual Minimum Limit


Annual Minimum Limit


Outpatient Diagnosis Treatment

2.000. -TL

Insured : %40
Company: % 60

2.000.- TL

Insured : %40
Company: % 60

Inpatient Diagnosis Treatment


Insured : % 0
Company : % 100

20.000.- TL

Insured : % 20
Company : % 80

                *Non- Contracted Institutions: Institutions (hospitals, physicians’ offices and the other health institutions)  do not have an agreement with the insurer.
For having a valid health insurance in Turkey;

  1. Insurance that you already prepared according to criterias shown above from your country :
  2. You need to translate and make it confirmed by notary


  1. You need to make it confirmed by Ege University International Office
  2. If you have an insurance from your official government insurance institution and if that institution has an agreement with Social Security Institution (SGK) in Turkey, you can take advantage from this agreement. For taking advantage from this agreement you should check this website and you should get information from your own official government institution.

If these two countries have an insurance agreement and your health insurance is suitable for the conditions that our Social Security Institution (SGK) determined, you can demand this document from SGK and apply for residence permit. For asking the document from SGK, you have to submit your own original health insurance.

  1.  You can apply to a private Turkish Insurance company for health insurance. You can find detailed information about these insurance companies in Turkey from internet.

Residence permit documents prepared by  Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management. You need to apply for residence permit from İzmir Police Department Foreign Affairs Office. You can get these required documents from Police Department which you need for application.
For more information you can find the Law of Foreigners and International Protection link below:
Important note for the procedures: As Ege University International EU and Affairs Office, our duty is to inform to our Erasmus+ incoming students and prepare documents related to Ege University which they will need for their resident permit application. The responsibility to follow all procedures and get a residence permit belongs to the students.

Ege University, Bornova - İzmir / TURKEY • Phone: +90 232 311 10 10 • e-mail: