BAYBURT University Information Package / Course Catalogue

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Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYear of StudySemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
ILA214BHistory of Islamic CivilizationCompulsory242
Level of Course Unit
First Cycle
Objectives of the Course
The aim of the course of history of Islamic civilization, to teach the development of the main characteristics of this civilization, the basic characteristics that differentiate it from other civilizations, the development of belief, thought, art, institutions and values, to give a general perspective to the students about the current reflections and the position between the world civilizations. The knowledge of the elements of the civilization of a student of theology.
Name of Lecturer(s)
Doç. Dr. Abdurrahman Okuyan, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Hasan Yenilmez
Learning Outcomes
1He knows where to use criteria determined while researching Hz. Mohammed’s life.
2He observes the reflection of pre-Islamic Arabic society’s social, cultural, economic structure, their lives and religious beliefs on Islamic civilization.
3He makes sense of composition of Islamic civilization and institutions, their places and use in religious sciences.
4He makes sense of composition of Islamic civilization and institutions, their places and use in religious sciences.
5He understands and evaluates the process of development and qualifications of a society’s, its institutions and civilizations by knowing the first activities in Mekkah and Medinah where Islamic Civilization’s first birth place.
6Thanks to interpreting the reasons and results of rising and developing processes of Islamic institutions and civilization, he evaluates the peace barriers and political-diplomatic activities.
Mode of Delivery
Second Education
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Recommended Optional Programme Components
Course Contents
Hz. He considers the Islamic civilization from the Prophet through all his institutions and structures.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
1Culture, Civilization, Civilization and the Islamic Civilization and the Environment.
2Sources of Islamic Civilization.
3The developmental stages and basic characteristics of Islamic civilization, spiritual dynamics of Islamic civilization.
4Divan.Social Life.
5Administrative Structure, Divan
6Courthouse, Hisbe, Shabbat, Mezalim, Kazaskerlik.
7Economic Structure.
8Exam 1
10Scientific Life (Social, Science and Health Sciences).
11Books and Libraries, Şeyhülislamlık and Nakibul Eşraflık.
12Art and Architecture, Berid.
13Urbanism, Foundations, Mosque, Tekke, Imaret, Medrese, Caravanserai, Turkish Bath, Bazaar, Cesme.
14Islamic Civilization and Turks, Ahilik.
15The Effects of Islamic Civilization on the West.
16Final Exam
Recommended or Required Reading
Cahit Baltacı, İslam Medeniyeti Tarihi, İFAV Yay., İstanbul, 2005 - İ. Raci Faruki-L. Lamia Faruki, İslam Kültür Atlası, çev. M. O Kibaroğlu vd., İnkılap Yay., İst. 3. Baskı, 1999 - İmadüddin Halil, İslam Medeniyeti Üzerine Madve Yay., İst., 2002 - Osman Turan, Selçuklular Tarihi ve Türk İslam Medeniyeti Boğaziçi Yay., İst., 1999 - İzzet Derveze, Kurân-ı Kerime Göre Hz. Muhammedin Hayatı I-III, çev. M. Keskin, Ekin Yay. İstanbul, 2002 - Kettani, Peygamberimiz Döneminde Yönetim, çev: A. Özel, İz. Yay. İstanbul - Hüseyin Algül, İslam Tarihi I-IV, Gonca yay., İstanbul - H. Dursun Yıldız, Doğuştan Günümüze Büyük İslam Tarihi I-XV; Çağ Yay., İst. - Y. Öztuna, Büyük Türkiye Tarihi I-XIV, Ötüken Yay. İst. - Yeni Türkiye Yay., Türkler; - M. G. S. Hodgson, İslamın Serüveni I-III, İz Yay., İst. – Hasan İbrahim Hasan, Siyasi Dini Kültürel Sosyal İslam Tarihi 1-VI, Kayıhan Yay., Çev. İ. Yiğit vdd., İstanbul, 1987 - TÜRK ANSİKLOPEDİSİ, 33 cilt, MEB Yay. - TÜRKLER, 21 cilt, Yeni Türkiye Yay. - Adam Mez 10. Yüzyılda İslam Medeniyeti, çev. Salih şaban, İst. 2000 - Corci Zeydan, Medeniyeti İslamiye Tarihi, çev. Zeki Meğamiz, İst. 1328-1330 - W. Barthold ve Fuad Köprülü, İslam Medeniyeti Tarihi, Ankara 1977 - Will Durant, İslam Medeniyeti, çev. Orhan Bahaeddin, yı., ts. - Sigrid Hunke, Avrupanın Üzerine Doğan İslam Güneşi, çev. Servet Sezgin, İstanbul 1975 - Haydar Bammat, İslamiyetin Manevi ve Kültürel Değerleri, Ankara 1963 - Hilmi Ziya Ülken, "İslam Felsefe ve İtikadının Garba Tesiri", AÜİF Dergisi 1962, X, s. 1-31 - Ekrem Üçyiğit, "Ortaçağ İslam Medeniyetinin Avrupa Medeniyeti Üzerinde Tesirleri", AÜİF Dergisi 1955, IV,I-II, s. 31-45 - Mehmet Özdemir, Endülüs Müslümanları II-III, (İlim ve Mültür Tarihi), Ankara 1997
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Midterm Examination1100
End Of Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities40
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities60
Language of Instruction
Work Placement(s)
Workload Calculation
ActivitiesNumberTime (hours)Total Work Load (hours)
Midterm Examination111
Final Examination122
Attending Lectures14228
Self Study5210
Individual Study for Mid term Examination177
Individual Study for Final Examination11212
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
* Contribution Level : 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High